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Bridge News Archive
cb news archive
For more archived articles go to: Covered Bridge Mail Box Directory and to: Covered Bridge News Notes

Covered Bridge Appreciation
 Uncovering The Past. An Essay by S. Miyamoto. 6/12/01
Mt. Abraham U H S's Architecture Class Studies CBs 4/3/01
Securing the Past for the Future Essay By S. Miyamoto - 02/21/02
Vermont Covered Bridge Museum News by John Dostal - 02/12/02
Vermont Covered Bridge Museum News by V. Wassenar - 03/20/02
St. Michael's Students Discover C.B's - 03/09/03 by S. Miyamoto
Jericho Elementary School Studies Covered Bridges - 01/03/03
The Vermont Covered Bridge Society "Patch" - 5/27/02
Covered Bridge Museum Opened - 06/16/03
Covered Bridge Week Proclaimed - 06/10/03
Richard Donovan's C. B. Model Finds New Home - 03/17/04
The Shushan Covered Bridge Museum - 03/24/04
New Website on Old CBs Goes On Line - 03/29/04
Covered Bridge Presentation in Lunenburg, VT on September 18, 2004
Documentary on America's CBs - 5/10/05
New Smithsonian Exhibition on Covered Bridges at the Montshire 12/13/05
The Origin of the name of the "Lemon Fair" River- 01/20/06
Covered Bridges: Spanning the American Landscape at The Montshire - 04/17/06
A Covered Bridge Question--and Some Answers> - 11/1/06
Identify Ellen's Mystery Bridge. - 03-19-07
The Serenity of Vermont - 07/06/07
Fisher RR Bridge Modeling Project - 12/06/07
Theodore Burr CB Resource Center at Oxford Memorial Library - 5/5/08
Dale Travis Guide to Covered Bridges - 04/23/08
Celebrated Covered Bridge Historian Passes - 07/27/2008
Robert Durfee 2008 New Hampshire Engineer of the Year - 02/10/08
A Poem - Bridges, Dreams and Moonbeams - 12/06/2009
Announcing The Release Of A New Book Connectict And Rhode Island Covered Bridges by William Caswell, Jr. - 10/13/2011

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Covered Bridge Tours
 My Vermont Covered Bridges by Conrad M. Nagengast - 4/11/02
A Covered Bridge Safari with the Keatings - 05/09/04
Touring Switzerland with the Keatings - 6/5/05
The Keating's Ultimate Covered Bridge Tour-Part 12> 12/17/05
Nancy and Chuck Knapp tour Ashtabula - 09-29-06
The Keatings Tour New England - 12-06-06
Keating's River Cruise - 06/20/07
My Vermont Trip, A Photo Gallery by Photographer Richard StPeter - 12/18/07
The Keatings Visit CB's, Choo-choos, & Ships - 12/05/07
David and Marikka Guay Tour Pennsylvania and Delaware - 11/07/07
The Keatings Tour California - 10/16/2008
A Smolen-Gulf Bridge Pictorial Photos by Doris Taylor - 02/01/2009
The Keatings Tour Pennsylvania & Delaware - 09/22/2009
The Keatings Tour New Brunswick - 11/14/2009
The Keatings Visit North Carolina & Pennsylvania - 01/20/2010
The Keatings Visit Gauley Bridge - 05/08/2010

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Covered Bridge Preservation
Phil Pierce Principle Investigator for New Federal C B Manual 9/29/00
Engineer responds to Preservation Critics. 12/7/00
Jeffords Announces Grants to Repair Vermont Bridges 9/26/01
Palladio Award Competition Deadline Extended - 03/06/03
News Release - 10/4/02 Historic Preservation Training Center
CALL FOR PAPERS - 10/15/02 The Preservation Education Inst.
Vermont Hosts First-Ever Conference - 07/13/03
Four Vermont CBs to Receive Grants - 07/16/03
CB Book Spurs Preservation in Virginia - 10/28/03
FHWA'S Covered Bridge Manual Soon Available - 8/4/04
C.B. Preservation National Best Practices Conference - 06/30/03
Poland Bridge Inspection Items Addressed by Alpine - 08/26/04
Martin Bridge Fundraising Event September 25 - 9/2/05
How Kentucky Paved a Better Way to Fix CB's - 09-19-06
Oxford NY, First Bridge Meeting - 10-20-06
CB Update - Hoyle Tanner, Inc. - 01-25-07
Pier Bridge Needs Matching Funds - 12-02-06

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Vermont Covered Bridge Society Proceedings

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Vermont Covered Bridges Index

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Addison County [45-01-nn]
[01] Cedar Swamp Bridge Renovation- 4/23/08
[02] The Spade Farm Bridge - 12/4/99
[04] Commentary On The Pulp Mill Bridge by Jan Lewandoski - 09/18/02
[04] Pulp Mill Covered Bridge Update - 8/6/05
[04] Middlebury Bridge Committee Reviews Pulp Mill C.B. - 7/24/05
[04] "Critical" Meeting in Regard to the Pulp Mill CB - 7/13/05
[04] Pulp Mill Bridge Site Possible Key to Traffic Dilemma - 7/9/05
[04] Pulp Mill Bridge Discussed at Middlebury Selectboard - 04/23/08
[05] East Shoreham Railroad Covered Bridge Gets Grant - 01/20/06
[05] Shoreham RR CB Pictorial & Rehab Story - 03/25/08
[15X] Three Mile Bridge effort gets an 'Arch' - 02/21/04
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Bennington County [45-02-nn]
[02] Arson Attempted on Henry Bridge - 07/31/03
[03] Paper Mill Bridge reconstruction in Photos. - 3/23/00-7/13/00
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Chittenden County [45-04-nn]
[05] Browns River Bridge -- A Preservation Story. 3/87 - 9/01
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Orleans County [45-10-nn]
[02] The Irasburg Bridge Story. - 11/29/99
[03] North Troy's Covered Bridge Open - 6/9/08
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Windham County [45-13-nn]
[01] Creamery Bridge at Brattleboro, VT - 05/31/2012
[13] Scott Covered Bridge Inspection-WGN 45-13-13 by Heidi Clawson - 01/06/2012
Vermont Covered Bridge Recovery - 11/07/2011
Rockingham Balks At Covered Bridge Fire Fee - 01/17/20110
[05] Williamsville Bridge Replica Moves to River - August 2 - 08/25/2010
[10] Worrall Bridge Rehab Complete - Aug. 5 Photos - 08/25/2010
[01] Brattleboro's Creamery Bridge By-pass Project Status - 03/28/2010
[11] Rockingham Bridge-watch - Bartonsville CB Repaired - 01/16/2010
The New Hermitage Road CB in West Dover - 04/23/2009
[05] Future of Williamsville Bridge Pondered - 05/21/06
[10] Truck Blasts Through Rockingham Bridges - 12/30/2008
[11] Truck Blasts Through Rockingham Bridges - 12/30/2008
[13] Scott Bridge Damaged by Wind - 03/28/02
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Vermont CBs - Misc. non-historic
Brighton Pedestrian Bridge Nears Completion - 09/07/03
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"Other" US CB Index
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Illinois [WGN 13-nn-nn]
Princeton, IL Considers New Covered Bridge - 03/26/04
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Kentucky [WGN 17-nn-nn]
Goddard Covered Bridge, Flemingsburg, KY Restored - 08-27-06
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New York [WGN 32-nn-nn]
The Hamden Covered Bridge- 5/01/00
New York's Hamden Covered Bridge Photos-7/20/00- 10/10/00
Hamden Covered Bridge Dedication Held- 7/28/01
Delaware County's Phil Pierce Recognized- 4/17/01
Hamden Covered Bridge Update!- 10/23/00 - 1/16/01
Hamden Celebration Photos Wanted!-9/26/01
Lower Shavertown Bridge Tested by Fuel Truck!July, 2001
New York's Copeland Covered Bridge News- 11/17/00-2/27/01
Restored Fitch's Covered Bridge Is Re-opened - 2/25/01
Delhi, NY - Fitch's Bridge Opening Ceremony -12/23/01
Rether Bridge - 06/22/04
New York's Jay Bridge Reconstruction - 09/11/04
Buskirk and Salisbury Center Bridges Repairs Progress -11/22/04
New York's Newest Covered Bridge - 11/23/04
Buskirk Bridge Update - 6/2/05
Boonville Covered Bridge Dedication Great Success 9/28/05
Oxford Library Expansion/Theo Burr's Story - 9/22/05
Hyde Hall CB Celebration September 9 - 08-23-06
Jay Bridge Update - 11-28-06
Hyde Hall Celebration Photos by the Knapps. - 03-21-07
Oxford Bridge Feedback Wanted, A Matter of Dollars and Sense - 06/12/07
Ribbon Cutting for Buskirk, Rexleigh, Eagleville Bridges August 4 - 05/25/07
Rexleigh/Eagleville Breaking News - 05-09-07
Rexleigh-Eagleville Bridge Update - 07/10/07
Jay Bridge Update - 07/10/07
New York CB Reopening Celebration - 08/08/07
Jay Bridge Celebration in Photos by David Guay - 10/23/07
Grant's Mills Bridge Restoration Celebrated [WGN NY-56-06] - 02/11/08
Beaverkill Covered Bridge Future at Risk - Call for Action - 03/12/09
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North Carolina [WGN 33-nn-nn]
Will Henry Stevens Bridge Ribbon Cutting - 06/4/2009
The Former Bagley Bridge at the The Bascom - 08/25/2008
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Ohio [WGN 35-nn-nn]
Olin's Museum First Annual Covered Bridge Swap Meet - 04/03/06
[04-64]A Smolen-Gulf Bridge Pictorial Photos by Doris Taylor - 02/01/2009
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Oregon [WGN 37-nn-nn]
Gilkey Bridge Hit - 10/09/07
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Pennsylvania [WGN 38-nn-nn]
Wilson Mill Covered Bridge Burns - 9/27/02
McConnell's Mill Covered Bridge Damaged - 03/14/04
Call to Support Reconstruction of Risser's Mill Covered Bridge - 8/9/05
Meeting On Future of Gudgeonville, PA CB to be Held January 10 - 01/4/06
Claycomb Covered Bridge Ribbon Cutting Set - 04/11/06
End of Road for Herr's Mill/Soudersburg Bridge? - 05/09/06
Twin Bridges Park Ribbon Cutting To Be Held > - 05/09/06
Mood's Covered Bridge Update. - 03-18-07
Springfield Township Moves to Protect Knecht's Bridge - 08/06/07
Mood's Bridge Chronicles - 08/14/07
David and Marikka Guay Tour Pennsylvania and Delaware - 11/07/07
Mood's Bridge Construction Progress - 11/22/07
Knecht's Bridge Burners Sentenced - 11/19/07
Gudgeonville Covered Bridge burned - 11/10/2008
More Gudgeonville Covered Bridge News - 11/13/2008
Two charged in Gudgeonville Arson - 12/18/2008
Mood's Bridge Open! - 01/31/08

Kellers-Rettews Bridge Unique - 01/31/2011
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Virginia [WGN 46-nn-nn]
CB Book Spurs Preservation in Virginia - 10/28/03
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Non-US CB Index
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Germany [WGN DE-nn-nn]
A Letter From Switzerland - 02/09/05
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Vietnam [WGN VN-nn-nn]
Japanese CBs in Vietnam - 10/15/2008, updated 10/16/2008
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Natural Disasters

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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file revised 05/09/2014