
Return to Archives Return to Archives    Shoreham Railroad Covered Bridge Rehab underway   
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East Shoreham RR Covered Bridge Pictorial

Asked for comment on the East Shoreham Railroad covered Bridge rehabilitation project, John Weaver, Vtrans Project Manager replied: "The project field work was completed by mid January 2008. The top chord and roof are new and approximately half of the bottom chord has been replaced. Otherwise - diagonals, floor framing, siding and bracing are minimally repaired/replaced or original components. There are a few brand new triangular metal bearing plates. As you probably remember, this heavy bridge required extensive shoring during rehabilitation – looks a lot better now. The standing seam metal roof should last many years." — Joe Nelson

Shoreham RR Covered Bridge. Photo by Joe Nelson
March 17, 2008
East Shoreham RR Bridge, VT-01-05
Photo by Joe Nelson, March 17, 2008
Shoreham RR Covered Bridge. Photo by Joe Nelson
March 17, 2008
North Portal
Photo by Joe Nelson, March 17, 2008
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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted March 23, 2008